Two’s Company


We recognise how loneliness and isolation affects people and how COVID 19 has increased this.


Dingwall Two’s Company telephone befriending scheme has been set up in conjunction with the national Christian charity Linking Lives UK, which has been working with churches on befriending projects around the country since 2012.


This telephone befriending is offered through the generosity of our trained volunteers. Our volunteers are matched with people and provide friendship to someone who is experiencing isolation and in need of company.  All volunteers have been recruited following our Safeguarding Policy and have undergone training in telephone befriending including setting boundaries, safeguarding and communication skills.


We aim to ensure that each referral is appropriately assessed for suitability, so that we can reduce loneliness by matching people with a volunteer who can then come alongside them.


What our telephone befriending support can provide:

  • A regular friendly phone call to someone who would otherwise be alone
  • A voluntary service, run by trained volunteers
  • Feedback on the referral and subsequent pairing with a befriender
  • Regular contact with the Coordinator


What our telephone befriending support is not able to provide:

  • We do not offer counselling, coaching, or mentoring
  • We do not provide any advice
  • We do not provide shopping, personal care or any other practical help



The scheme is free, delivered throughout the Highlands and is open to all ages. Loneliness and isolation are  not confined to age

We accept referrals from professionals, e.g. the GP, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and mental health teams, for people who may be experiencing loneliness and isolation and might benefit from having a regular friendly phone call from one of our telephone befriending volunteers.


For further details:

Please contact our Twos Company Telephone Befriending Coordinator